The Temple of Oghma
And now I have to find Hull as well. But he is on the way to the House of Healing, so it's no big deal.
I pass by the Temple of Oghma. Given my recent mis-adventure, I may want to stop by and say a prayer.

I pass by the Temple of Oghma. Given my recent mis-adventure, I may want to stop by and say a prayer.

Oghma is the god of knowledge and invention, the Binder of What is Known, and the Patron of Bards. He is the most powerful god of knowledge in the Realms (Second if you consider magical ability as knowledge, with Mystra at its head). Deneir and Milil both act as intercessors for Oghma, carrying new information both to him and to those whom Oghma favors.
Oghma's followers believe that knowledge is most supreme, particularly in its raw form, the idea. An idea has no weight but can move mountains. It has no height but it can dominate a nation. It has no mass but it can push aside empires. Knowledge is the greatest tool of humankind, outweighing anything made by mortal hands. Before anything can exist, the idea must exist.
Priest of Oghma wear white shirts and trousers, with a vest of black and gold braid, topped by a small, box-like hat. The Church of Oghma in Sembia adds a harlequin's mask to the garb. All priest of Oghma are called loremasters.
Loremasters are allowed to wear up to banded armor, without the use of a shield, and may only use bludgeoning weapons in combat. Their spell selection consist of major access to the spheres of All, Astral, Combat, Charm, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Protection, Summoning, and Thought. Minor access is given to the spheres of Guardian, Necromantic, Sun, and Wards.
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